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APPLE WORLD TOP > ASIA > JAPAN > Nagano > Chisun Grand Nagano HELP

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room 1
Adults Children
Bed Type:
3 STAR Chisun Grand Nagano
Total Rooms : 136
Address: 2-17-1 Minamichitose, Nagano, Nagano, 380-0823, Japan
Phone: 81-26-2646000
Fax: 81-26-2645511
Check-in: 14:00 ~ 深夜 0 時
Check-out: 11:00
Only 5 mins. on foot from JR Nagano Station, this hotel offers sophisticated service, cordial hospitality and a comfortable stay at a reasonable price. The guestrooms are spacious and come decorated in warm and welcoming colors and include free internet access. There is also free wireless internet access available in the lobby. Breakfast is available at the Japanese restaurant located on the 12th floor of the building, which also commands a panoramic view of Nagano city and even the northern Japan Alps on a clear day.
Bathtub & shower(some rooms)/Shower only(some rooms) Wi-Fi available in some rooms No room safe No swimming pool No fitness center No restaurant Parking Complimentary Shuttle Not Available
Chisun Grand Nagano [Hotel Photos]
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Chisun Grand Nagano Chisun Grand Nagano Chisun Grand Nagano
Chisun Grand Nagano Chisun Grand Nagano Chisun Grand Nagano

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Important Notice

Please read the following important notice before you submit your booking!

NOTE: "Duplicated Booking"

Duplicate booking may lead to the cancellation of all bookings at the sole discretion of the hotel. Please ensure and advise the guest that the guest does not have any duplicated bookings in the same itinerary.

NOTE: "Plan with dinner included"

If the booking includes dinner, please check in before 6 P.M.
If the guests check-in later than 6 PM, dinner might not be served and there will be no refund.

NOTE: "Japanese Style Room"

Japanese Style Room has only futon (traditional Japanese bedding consisting of padded mattresses and quilts) but no beds.

NOTE: "Bathing Tax in Japan"

The guest may need to pay bathing tax (150JPY per person and per night) at the hotel or ryokan that has hot spring.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

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